Change your mind and cancel or rebook your bus tickets up to 30 minutes before the time of departure.
OurBus is bus rideshare for transportation between your favorite cities and towns
Our bus travel services are crowdsourced, so they are customized to the needs of our riders. The result? Minimal-stop routes, affordable bus tickets, and top-tier amenities.
Change your mind and cancel or rebook your bus tickets up to 30 minutes before the time of departure.
Know where your bus is at all times using the OurBus app
Stay hydrated and connected to what matters along the journey
Never run out of power during the trip with the ergonomically located charging ports
Clean and functional onboard facilities ensure that you travel with complete peace of mind
Need help? Our rider support team (best rated in the industry) is just a text or call away to assist you
OurBus now connects you to more than 300 destinations nationwide. Check out the bus routes on the map and plan your next intercity trip to places and people that matter to you.
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